
Showing posts from November, 2022

Introducing Water & Sanitation in Africa

Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog on water and sanitation in Africa! Why water and sanitation? For most of us living in developed countries such as the UK, access to water is so convenient that we never really have to think about how to acquire it. Water supply issues and challenges seem distant. However, not everyone has the luxury of a constant and undisrupted water supply. In Mitlin et al. (2019) , findings show that although UNICEF and the World Health Organization reported back in 2015 that more than 90% of the world's population used improved drinking water sources, more recent research suggests a much lower percentage, especially in the Global South. The research paper shows that access amongst cities in Sub-Saharan Africa were among the lowest with 22% of households having access to piped water. Fig 1. % of the world's population with access to safely managed drinking water in comparison to different regions of Africa What is 'water and sanitation'? We will beg...